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    每当有一个人进入会议室时,李菲都微笑着向对方点头示意。看看现在已经差不多比约定时间超过了两分钟,李菲环视四周,心中默数了一下人数,清了清嗓子首先说道:“Ok, I think we have most of us here, so let’s get started. A few weeks ago, we mentioned to do some an**al**ys**is regarding our inventory and subscriber utilization, and suggested a few approaches. So I tried all these approaches using the data from the past quarter, and here are the results……”
    “Ok, I think this good great! Just one quick question, how long does it take from beginning to end” Lynn问道。李菲所在的部门一共只有两个中国人,一个是她,另一个便是Lynn。
    “It’s quite time consuming. Our data comes in daily, and each day is about 500 million rows. For an □□ysis like this, we typically need to look at one quarter at least, so the volume is huge. If I’m doing everything by myself, I’ll need probably 2 weeks minimum. One week just to pull the raw data, and 2nd week to do the actual an**al**ys**is. That’s only when everything goes s**moothly.” 李菲想了想Lynn的问题回答道。
    “wow, 2 weeks is quite long, especially if we want to do some realtime pacing and make adjustments. ”这是Lynn的第一反应。略加思索之后,她又再次提问道:“How about asking the engineering team to process the data for us If they can provide the data in the format we want, then we can jump to the an**al**ys**is step directly.”
    “Yup! That’s what I’m going to suggest. If we can finalize our approach and come up with a standard format, we can ask the engineering team to do that behind the scene, or ev ↑返回顶部↑
    每当有一个人进入会议室时,李菲都微笑着向对方点头示意。看看现在已经差不多比约定时间超过了两分钟,李菲环视四周,心中默数了一下人数,清了清嗓子首先说道:“Ok, I think we have most of us here, so let’s get started. A few weeks ago, we mentioned to do some an**al**ys**is regarding our inventory and subscriber utilization, and suggested a few approaches. So I tried all these approaches using the data from the past quarter, and here are the results……”
    “Ok, I think this good great! Just one quick question, how long does it take from beginning to end” Lynn问道。李菲所在的部门一共只有两个中国人,一个是她,另一个便是Lynn。
    “It’s quite time consuming. Our data comes in daily, and each day is about 500 million rows. For an □□ysis like this, we typically need to look at one quarter at least, so the volume is huge. If I’m doing everything by myself, I’ll need probably 2 weeks minimum. One week just to pull the raw data, and 2nd week to do the actual an**al**ys**is. That’s only when everything goes s**moothly.” 李菲想了想Lynn的问题回答道。
    “wow, 2 weeks is quite long, especially if we want to do some realtime pacing and make adjustments. ”这是Lynn的第一反应。略加思索之后,她又再次提问道:“How about asking the engineering team to process the data for us If they can provide the data in the format we want, then we can jump to the an**al**ys**is step directly.”
    “Yup! That’s what I’m going to suggest. If we can finalize our approach and come up with a standard format, we can ask the engineering team to do that behind the scene, or ev
