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    en automate the entire process.” 李菲笑着肯定了Lynn的想法,和她不谋而合。
    “I like that idea!” 李菲的老板Aaron插了进来,“I’m not a coding person, so correct me if I’m crazy. If we can build some template and automate the whole thing, then all we need to do is just click some buttons here and there, and phew, here are the results.” Aaron一边说,一边还抬起手作出握着鼠标到处点击的样子。
    “That will be ideal.” 对于自己老板的话,李菲表示赞成,“honestly the coding portion is not that difficult. If the engineering team is willing to take the responsibility, and if we can decide on which approach to use, then on my side I can definitely write a template. Well, I cannot guarantee that the results come in seconds, but it should be fairly quick.” 已经在职场摸爬滚打几年的李菲深谙说话要给自己留有余地的道理,在没有把握之前绝不轻易立下任何军令状。
    “I think each method has its pro and cons, and I’m not an expert on it, so I’ll rely on your opinions. What do you think, Fei” Lynn把皮球又踢了回来。
    对于这个问题,李菲事先已经考虑到了,因此回答起来成竹在胸:“Well, depends on what we need. Method 1 is more comprehensive and accurate, but on the other hand it’s the slowest because I need to aggregate the data in different ways and match to other files. Method 3 is a little quick and dirty. It only gives us answers directionally, but the good thing is that, assuming the engineering team is willing to process the data, this is something that can be turned around in a few hours. So if we have some urgent requests that need answer asap, or like what you said, pacing some campaigns in real time and make adjustments, then we should probably try this method.”
    “Um, so you are saying we should probably build two templates then”
    “I mean, why not” 李菲自信地回答,“not a big deal for me as long as the engineering team does the first step.”
    “Ok, then how about we schedule another meeting with the engineering team to talk about this”Lynn接着提议道。
    “ok great. So let me find sometime for everybody this week then. I’d rather do it sooner then later.” Lynn边说边在自己的记录本上写道,“anything else”
    …… ↑返回顶部↑
    en automate the entire process.” 李菲笑着肯定了Lynn的想法,和她不谋而合。
    “I like that idea!” 李菲的老板Aaron插了进来,“I’m not a coding person, so correct me if I’m crazy. If we can build some template and automate the whole thing, then all we need to do is just click some buttons here and there, and phew, here are the results.” Aaron一边说,一边还抬起手作出握着鼠标到处点击的样子。
    “That will be ideal.” 对于自己老板的话,李菲表示赞成,“honestly the coding portion is not that difficult. If the engineering team is willing to take the responsibility, and if we can decide on which approach to use, then on my side I can definitely write a template. Well, I cannot guarantee that the results come in seconds, but it should be fairly quick.” 已经在职场摸爬滚打几年的李菲深谙说话要给自己留有余地的道理,在没有把握之前绝不轻易立下任何军令状。
    “I think each method has its pro and cons, and I’m not an expert on it, so I’ll rely on your opinions. What do you think, Fei” Lynn把皮球又踢了回来。
    对于这个问题,李菲事先已经考虑到了,因此回答起来成竹在胸:“Well, depends on what we need. Method 1 is more comprehensive and accurate, but on the other hand it’s the slowest because I need to aggregate the data in different ways and match to other files. Method 3 is a little quick and dirty. It only gives us answers directionally, but the good thing is that, assuming the engineering team is willing to process the data, this is something that can be turned around in a few hours. So if we have some urgent requests that need answer asap, or like what you said, pacing some campaigns in real time and make adjustments, then we should probably try this method.”
    “Um, so you are saying we should probably build two templates then”
    “I mean, why not” 李菲自信地回答,“not a big deal for me as long as the engineering team does the first step.”
    “Ok, then how about we schedule another meeting with the engineering team to talk about this”Lynn接着提议道。
    “ok great. So let me find sometime for everybody this week then. I’d rather do it sooner then later.” Lynn边说边在自己的记录本上写道,“anything else”
